Facebook Question – Do you love your career?

Well Do you? I posted the question today on Facebook. If you do why? There were more responses to that comment than anything else I have ever posted. Most of the people didn’t answer the question. A couple thought I was trying to push some MLM, some responded honestly, and one asked why? I know I hit a chord because of all the comments. A couple of times in my life I have loved my career. One of those times I was gluing rocks together.
I believe the times I have really loved what I was doing is because I had complete freedom to choose my own destiny and create cool things for the company I was working for. I love creating systems that maximize efficiency. I love creating environments where innovation will thrive.

I have a friend that is that kind of situation now. I heard a guy on the radio stating that 60% of people interviewed in their job where unsatisfied, because they were board. This tells me they know they are capable of more, but they don’t have the freedom to make a difference. I believe there is going to be a major shift in America’s workforce in the next 10 years.

I believe we all want more freedom to provide for ourselves, our family, and make a difference in the world. Every company that creates that environment is going to conquer in the future.

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