A Million Dollars a Year

Congratulations for finding my story today! I am hoping it will change your life? ACS, was on the brink of losing their biggest customers, because they couldn’t complete work on time. This account was bringing in over $10 million dollars a year. Needless to say, losing this customer would devastate the company. I was assigned…

Two is never enough

Over 10 years ago, a guy told me that two was the only way to go. I was intrigued with the idea. I had a little extra cash so I got me two. I couldn’t believe how much better life was with two. I was lots more productive. Luckily I have had the resources to…

Idiots and Fools

Managers that implement these sorts of programs without finding out one simple thing are idiots and fools. What is that one simple thing? It’s really just one question. “What do you want?” Then the manager, owner, fool in charge ask themselves what do I want? To stop being the idiot and the fool you realize;…

Do you eat what you kill? or do you beg for your supper?

Sometimes I wish I was a cave man. I would be in shape, strong and confident. I would constantly be hungry and that in turn would make me efficient. I am the happy, fat and lazy beggar, that sits and wait for the next handout. I read an article today that reminded me about this…

Fear is keeping you poor

Fear keeps most people poor. Sadly it’s the companies that fear putting a variable pay system, also know as pay for performance in place. Variable pay is where companies pay you more if you work hard and produce more. Many sales professionals are paid this way. All doctors and dentists are paid this way. They…