You Ain't Play'n With My Money

That’s what she said as she walked out the door. Never to return! She was one of the three that quit that first night. We were already having trouble getting the work done every day. How were we going to get the work done? Deadlines were a joke. We were missing deadlines by 4 or…

Gluing rocks together is Awesome!

The day after high school, my dad being the nomad that he was had decided, instead of trying to stay in Sacramento after the owners we were renting from decided to move back in, we were going to move to St. George Utah. A little town with about 35,000 people. One stop light, a country…

WordPress formating troubles

I talked to a person today on twitter who spoke Dutch. I helped him with a problem with the formatting of texts in posts. I have had this problem several times also. If you are posting in the visual editor. Which I believe most of us do and you start having a problem with the…

Make selfishness a strength for your business

Why? What are you talking about? Here is the premise. Most people, including myself, are pretty selfish. We spend most of our days looking for what will bring us the most amount of satisfaction. For instance. When I was a Boy Scout I learned the slogan “Do a good turn daily.” This is a great…

Top 10.5 twitter helpers

Top 10 Twitter tools to help dominate Twitter! There are tools out there to help you on twitter. I did a search to for tools and these are some I came up with 1. Twitter Karma This is one of my favorite. for making a bunch of changes at once. 2.Twitter Grader The Twitter grader…