Poor Management Kills Another Good Idea.

While I thought a bunch of what happened while George Jr was in the White House. However, the NSPS (National Security Personnel System) was a good idea. Even Obama advocates a similar system for public school teachers. Teacher Pay Redesign There has been some press about the death of the NSPS. It is basically a…

Odd Man Out Economics

This is a very interesting video. If what he is saying is true we all need to think a bit more about how we present our products and services.

Twitter down?

I usually don’t check twitter on Sundays.  But I checked it this morning and was down. If anyone else is having the same problem let me know.

Google Wave Explained Simply

I’ve had a developers wave account since July 2009.  I finally got an invite a couple of weeks ago.  I invited a few of my friends and I have a couple of invites if you are interested.  I found this video which explains it very well and is entertaining too.