I HATE managers

I’ll say it again, I hate managers. Well more specifically Management Ego. You know where the manager says “Do it my way!” and thinks, “Because they made me the Manager, and pay me more than you, I am right.” A that point I have to get out the shovel because I have to dig my…

Does pay affect performance?

HELL YES IT DOES!!! Everyone works to survive first. The problem is people can’t really get started on other motivations until necessities are met. Once the basic necessities are met, then motivation will change. Do a bit of research into Maslows hierachy of needs. Another interesting conversation about motivation can be found in Daniel Pink’s…

Football? What are the real goals?

I’ve all but given up watching ESPN! Every time I turn the channel to Sport Center, I get a little basketball, then I am slammed in the face again with more drivel about the NFL labor situation. Do I care? A bunch of wealthy guys, the players, and a small group of really really rich…

Criticize the Past? or Create the Future?

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan recounts a story about genius.  “Once, at the University of California, a student got up to say that it was impossible for people of Ronald Reagan’s generation to understand the next generation of young people.  ‘You grew up in a different world,’ the student said.  ‘Today we have television, jet…

Daydream and possibly make more money

Unfortunately you can’t day dream all the time. But now and again seems to help creativity. I think this goes hand in hand with Stephen Covey’s principle of sharpening the saw. Too often I find myself ultra focused and get bogged down in the mire. I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal…