Daydream and possibly make more money

Unfortunately you can’t day dream all the time. But now and again seems to help creativity. I think this goes hand in hand with Stephen Covey’s principle of sharpening the saw. Too often I find myself ultra focused and get bogged down in the mire. I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal…

Freedom Motivates – People

Every time I hear the word freedom I remember that point in Braveheart, right before William Wallace is about to be pulled apart by horses, when he yells “FREEDOM”  So we all know William Wallace was motivated by freedom, and was willing to die for it. The question we all need to be asking is;…

You can make money with twitter

This is the real question businesses are asking or at least they should be asking. After a month in the twitter trenches here is my opinion. About a month ago a client asked if I could integrate automated twittering tool into their software.   I had heard a bunch about twitter and decided to learn a…