Advantages of Pay-For-Performance

A company can gain several benefits upon the implementation of pay-for-performance.  Its workforce will for sure help the company to meet its business goals. Because pay-for-performance gives higher chances to earn higher incentives. This motivates the employees even more and they usually give their best work. Establish Company Values These programs are very effective at…

Sustainable Profit Sharing – Learn or Die

I read articles about this and it irritates me.   The article from the Wall Street Journal titled Do Businesses Need Foreign Workers I have fixed this problem and seen this problem fixed for the last 130 years. However, owners understand the process and because they don’t understand the process they don’t believe it exists….

Adding Fun

I just realized if I am going to be putting new updates often.  They can’t all be about the web, wordpress and twitter.  So I decided to add a category called Fun.  There is a user on twitter that has only been posting for a couple of weeks and he has gotten a ton of…

You can make money with twitter

This is the real question businesses are asking or at least they should be asking. After a month in the twitter trenches here is my opinion. About a month ago a client asked if I could integrate automated twittering tool into their software.   I had heard a bunch about twitter and decided to learn a…