Sustainable Profit Sharing – Learn or Die

I read articles about this and it irritates me.   The article from the Wall Street Journal titled Do Businesses Need Foreign Workers I have fixed this problem and seen this problem fixed for the last 130 years. However, owners understand the process and because they don’t understand the process they don’t believe it exists….

Daydream and possibly make more money

Unfortunately you can’t day dream all the time. But now and again seems to help creativity. I think this goes hand in hand with Stephen Covey’s principle of sharpening the saw. Too often I find myself ultra focused and get bogged down in the mire. I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal…

Egypt’s New Hope, America’s new Hope

Freedom is what fuels innovation. The events in Egypt over the past few weeks give me hope that good things are happening in the world. Hopefully this new spark of change encourages more countries to give more freedom and liberty to their people. I am hoping it inspires each of us to find ways to…